Knox Box

Knox Box

The Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department fully endorses the use of the Knox-Box rapid entry system. Many times, we are faced with the decision to wait for a key holder or forcefully break into a home or building. If the decision is made to use forcible entry, this can cost you hundreds of dollars in damage. The Knox-Box rapid entry system allows us to immediately gain entry to your home or business without delay (using your key) and causing no damage.

  • If you experience a medical emergency and live alone and are unable to get to your door, the Knox-Box rapid entry system could save your life.
  • If you have a fire alarm the Knox-Box rapid entry system should be a high priority.  Why pay for an early fire detection system and then have the fire department with no way to enter your home or building?

For more information on the Knox-Box rapid entry system or if you have any questions please feel free to call the fire station at 410-641-8272 at any time. 

Residential Knox Box

Knox Residential Box and HomeBox Benefits
  • Allows first responders to enter the home quickly
  • Makes re-securing property easier and faster
  • Reduces forced entry property damage
Knox Residential Box and HomeBox Applications

Knox residential key vaults are a one-time purchase that requires no monthly monitoring fee. Mount the key safe by the entrance for rapid access into:

  • Single Family Residences
  • Condominiums
  • Townhomes

Commercial Knox Box

Two products
  • KnoxVault 4400 (maximum capacity)
  • KnoxBox 3200 (standard capacity)

KnoxVault/KnoxBox system enables shared access with dual-lock capability so first responders can immediately gain access to: Commercial buildings, Schools and campuses, Retail, Industrial buildings, Government buildings, Multi-residential communities, Secure community pools, Healthcare and medical centers, Hospitality venues, And much more!

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