Become a Member

The Process

CONTACT US: Complete our online inquiry form at, email or stop by our station on any Tuesday evening when we’re training or call 410-641-8272 to learn more about volunteering.

APPLY: Each prospective member must complete and submit a standard fire department application along with a current photo of the applicant. Applications can be downloaded from our website or picked up from our South Station.

The application includes personal information, lists of personal references and fire department acquaintances, and authorizations for license, criminal and arson background checks.

INTERVIEW: The application for membership will be reviewed by our Vice president. The applicant will be contacted to schedule an interview


Opportunities to Serve

We offer the opportunity for you to volunteer in the area that you feel most comfortable


with, where you feel you can contribute the most, and where you’ll benefit the most from your volunteering experience. Our membership is organized into the following divisions.

To Apply

– You must be at least 18 years of age to apply (14 for Fire Cadets). A statement of parental or guardian consent must accompany an application from anyone under the age of 18 years.

– You must be physically, intellectually, and emotionally capable of performing the duties according to your area of assignment.

– You must reside within Ocean Pines response area, be close enough to either of our two stations to respond in a timely manner and have a means of transportation.

Interview Questions

What attracted you to our agency?

What work experience do you have?

What skills, experience or knowledge do you feel you have to contribute?

What are your strengths? Weaknesses?

Do you have previous volunteer experience?

What would you like to get out of volunteering here?

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Do you like to work on your own, with a group or with a partner? Why?

While we are not looking for ‘canned answers,’ we hope that you will give these questions some thought and be prepared with your responses. Based on information from the interview and application process, reference investigations and the outcome of background checks, the Vice President will make its recommendation to the Board of Directors at the next board meeting following the applicant interview.

BOARD APPROVAL: Applicants will meet with the board of directors, and they will subsequently approve the applicant for continuation of the process.

PHYSICAL: Applicants must complete a satisfactory medical physical.

ACCEPTANCE: The perspective member is invited to attend the monthly general meeting an A majority vote by the general membership will decide if the applicant is accepted or declined.

– If accepted, the new member will be welcomed to the fire station immediately and complete follow-up processing.

– If declined, the applicant will be notified of their declination. If an applicant is declined membership, he/she may not reapply for one year.

ORIENTATION: New members must complete a new member orientation prior to responding to emergency incidents.

PROBATION: Upon acceptance into membership, a new member will begin a one-year probationary period subject to the terms and conditions described above and in the by-laws of the corporation.

Upon Acceptance

– New members must complete a new recruit orientation program before responding to emergency incidents.

– New recruits must successfully pass an OSHA physical examination conducted by our chosen medical facility and paid for by the fire department.

– New members will be considered on probation for a period of one year. Their probationary activities will be reviewed within thirty days following one (1) year of active service and the probationary member will be recommended for continued service or termination at that time.
– Removal from probationary status requires that the aforementioned requirements be fulfilled along with the probationary requirements of their membership classification.
– All members must attend 50% of all regular monthly business meetings (6 per year) held on the first Tuesday of every month, and all special meetings unless excused.

– All personnel are responsible for assisting in at least 20 hours of the fund-raising efforts of the organization.

– Failure to complete the minimum requirements can result in termination of membership.

Probationary Fire Helmet

ready to APPLY?

To obtain an application, or to ask any questions regarding this guide or the application process – contact a member of the Membership Committee by emailing or call 410-641-8272 or stop by our South Station on any Tuesday when we’re training.


The Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, creed, religion, or marital status. If an applicant is approved for membership, such approval is conditional upon final receipt of references and background information consistent with the standards of the OPVFD.

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