Emergency Dial 9-1-1
Emergency Dial 9-1-1
Home » Benefits
You provide the commitment and we provide all of the training for FREE. From local and county training, MFRI certified courses, to regional and national seminars and conferences –
we offer you the opportunity to explore every avenue of emergency services and train you to be the best at what you do.
Lower Eastern Shore Regional Training Center – Ocean Pines is fortunate to be a short drive
away from one of the premier training venues in the state. The Lower Eastern Shore Training Center is a state-of-the-art facility operated by the Maryland Fire Rescue Institute. This saves you valuable time and provides quality training experiences at your fingertips.
This program (LOSAP) rewards our volunteers’ years of service with a financial benefit after 25 years of continuous active duty. This stipend will come in handy upon reaching retirement age.
Income Tax Subtraction Modification for Volunteer Fire, Rescue or Emergency Medical Services Personnel. The TIP is a state-wide program financed by the State; therefore, service time and points are transferable to any county in the state.
As firm believers in the concept that volunteers should be “good at a few things instead of poor at a lot,” – we offer the most flexible membership opportunities available. You can join Ocean Pines to just perform a specialized function or you can get involved in all of the volunteering opportunities we have to offer.
We protect our firefighters with the latest technology in fire resistive coat, pants, leather boots, gloves, Nomex hood and traditional style fire helmets complete with a leather front proudly identifying your membership with the department.
Look professional and show your Ocean Pines pride in your navy blue station apparel. Complimentary T-Shirts are provided at the start of your membership while other apparel is offered under a reduced or shared cost program.
We strive to have the latest and greatest resources available within the industry. Apparatus is updated and replaced on set schedules and new tools are consistently researched, tested placed into service.
Members and their guest enjoy our annual installation dinner held each December to recognize the past year’s accomplishments of the department and our volunteers, and to celebrate the dedication of our members and newly elected administrative and operations officers. Throughout the year we offer a variety of opportunities for you and your family to get to know the other members of your department in a relaxing atmosphere. From conventions to parades, parties, family picnic and fun fund-raisers – we not only work hard – we play hard too!
We recognize that firefighting and providing emergency services is an inherently dangerous business. That’s why we take extra measures to protect our volunteers. Workmen’s Compensation coverage from Worcester County, and extensive supplemental insurance paid for by the fire department provide financial security to you and your family should you be injured or fatally wounded in the line of duty. There are even free programs and services in place to ensure that your claim is handled properly and that you receive the benefits you deserve.
We care about your health, safety and wellbeing. That’s why we insist (and pay for) you to have a comprehensive medical physical examination completed every year of active duty. We actively encourage and support fitness activities for our members.
And, the Ocean City Career Firefighter Paramedics Associations Peer Support Program is available to provide critical incident stress debriefings and counseling to help our volunteers deal with the emotional impact of the tragedies we’re unfortunately exposed to in our line of work. This service is provided free-of-charge.
To obtain an application, or to ask any questions regarding this guide or the application process – contact a member of the Membership Committee by emailing [email protected] or call 410-641-8272 or stop by our South Station on any Tuesday when we’re training.
The Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, creed, religion, or marital status. If an applicant is approved for membership, such approval is conditional upon final receipt of references and background information consistent with the standards of the OPVFD.
Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department
South Station
911 Ocean Parkway
Ocean Pines, MD 21811
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