Back in April of 1973, a group of retired citizens living in the Ocean Pines community joined together to form the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department using an old white fire engine, used for wetting down dirt roads in new developments. During their first year as a fire department, they responded to a total of 12 calls for service. Financial support during the initial phase of the fire department was very poor and the department operated on a very tight budget, using rain coats and fishing boots for gear. The vast majority of the fire department membership consisted of retirees such as chemical engineers, electrical engineers and government bureaucrats, along with a few construction workers, realtors and teachers. In 1977, the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department joined the Worcester County 911 system, and covered a total of 851 homes. Six years later, the department joined the Worcester County Volunteer Fireman’s Association and covered approximately 3,090 homes. In 1985, the department operated three pumpers and a rescue truck.