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MVC w/entrapment- Ocean Parkway

December 17, 2020

At 5:25pm on Friday, December 17, 2020, the Ocean Pines Vol. Fire Department was alerted for a single vehicle accident with entrapment on Ocean Parkway near Moby Dick Dr. Lieutenant Sturgill along with Lieutenant Wells and Paramedic 1 were first to arrive on scene and confirmed a single vehicle with one patient trapped in the front seat and second patient in the rear seat. Lt. Sturgil requested a rescue box for the incident which alerted Showell VFD for an additional rescue truck and medic unit. Upon arriving on scene, Chief Grunewald assumed command while crews from Engine 1101 quickly utilized their Edraulic spreaders (Jaws of Life) to remove the door to provide clear access for patient removal. Both patients were transported to Tidal Health for further evaluation.
The scene was turned over to the Ocean Pines Police for further investigation.
This accident occured in the midst of evening rush hour and caused serious traffic disruptions for much of North Ocean Pines. When approaching an accident scene, please remember to always slow down, listen closely to any directions that are given by Fire Police and remember that we must protect the scene of an accident to ensure the safety of all involved, including first responders and patients.
Units on Scene: Engine 1101, Command 11, 1100 A1 & A2, Utility 1180, FP 11, Rescue 8, Engine 803 and 800 A1.

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