Emergency Dial 9-1-1
Emergency Dial 9-1-1
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February 24, 2021
At 2:15pm on Wednesday, February 24, 2021, the Ocean Pines Vol. Fire Department was alerted for a residential structure fire in the area of Terns Landing. Additional responses were requested from the Berlin, Bishopville, Ocean City, Showell and Sellbyville Fire Departments. Worcester Central advised that the caller stated, "Their neighbor's house was under construction and they could see fire on the outside". Second Assistant Chief Mather was the first to arrive on scene, established command, and advised nothing evident from his 360.
Upon arrival, Engine 1102 was advised of smoke pushing out from the chimney and was instructed to place a 1 3/4 attack line into service and make entry into the home. Once inside, the crew from Engine 1102 were met with increasing smoke conditions and utilized a thermal imaging camera to quickly find the seat of the fire. After pulling some drywall from the ceilings and the walls in a sitting room, they were able to knock the fire. Crews continued to operate in the residence, checking for extension on the second floor and completing overhaul on the fire floor to ensure all hot spots were extinguished.
The scene was turned over to the Worcester County Fire Marshal's Office for further investigation.
The OPVFD would like to thank all of our neighboring departments who assisted us today on scene as well as covered our stations during the incident.
Units on Scene: Engine 1102, Special Ops 11, Command 11, 1100 A2, FP 11 as well as Units from Berlin, Showell, Ocean City and Bishopville Fire Departments, Ocean Pines Police Department and the Worcester County Fire Marshal's Office.
Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department
South Station
911 Ocean Parkway
Ocean Pines, MD 21811
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