Emergency Dial 9-1-1
Emergency Dial 9-1-1
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May 11, 2021
On May 11, 2021 members from the Ocean Pines, Berlin and Showell Fire Departments came together for a joint training exercise. The training was held at Cropper’s Towing in Berlin, MD. The topic for the evening was Heavy Vehicle Extrication. Members were split into groups and given multiple tasks that included incident size-up, vehicle stabilization, patient care considerations and patient extrication. The exercise was running just like an actual incident utilizing the incident command structure.
Due to the complexity of this type of incident members were challenged to “think outside the box” on how to stabilize the vehicles. Members used various techniques and tools to accomplish this. The officers assigned to each group shared how they went upon stabilizing each vehicle that had their own unique patient care presentations.
The members worked well together and safely accomplished the goals set forth in the beginning of the exercise. These types of drills prepare the members for the real-world incidents. All companies involved have or respond to high traffic roadways with Rt. 50, Rt.113 and Rt.589 running through their respective districts. These roadways have various types of vehicles that travel them daily. This very situation could occur anywhere. The goal was to prepare the members for this. This also gives the leadership in each department an idea of what equipment and the amount of personnel to accomplish this safely and efficiently.
A special thank you goes out Past Chief Chris Cropper (Showell Fire Department) and his wife Amanda Cropper for allowing the departments to utilize their property, donate the vehicles and provide refreshments from Burn Wood Fired Pizza for the members attending. Past Chief David Cropper (Ocean City Fire Department) was in attendance to share some knowledge with the members as well. Having these Past Chief’s share their knowledge is a valuable part of the fire service and shows their love of the business. “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.”-Kofi Annan
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Photo Credit(s): Samantha Widgeon
Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department
South Station
911 Ocean Parkway
Ocean Pines, MD 21811
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