Emergency Dial 9-1-1
Emergency Dial 9-1-1
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December 31, 2021
The Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department would like to remind you to be safe on New Year’s Eve. If you are going out to celebrate, please remember to social distance whenever possible and if you choose to consume alcoholic beverages, please drink responsibly, and utilize a designated driver. Did you know that 71% of the fatalities that occur due to motor vehicle collisions on New Year’s Eve involve individuals with a Blood Alcohol Concentration of .15+ (Responsibility.org); the legal limit is .08.
Additionally, New Year’s Eve is an event often celebrated by fireworks. Please leave the pyrotechnics to the professionals. Per the NFPA, “Fireworks started an estimated 19,500 fires in 2018, including 1,900 structure fires, 500 vehicle fires, and 17,100 outside and other fires. These fires caused five deaths, 46 civilian injuries, and $105 million in direct property damage.” Additionally, “In 2018, U.S. hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 9,100 people for fireworks related injuries”.
Enjoy the holiday, wear a mask when possible, and be safe!
Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department
South Station
911 Ocean Parkway
Ocean Pines, MD 21811
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