Emergency Dial 9-1-1
Emergency Dial 9-1-1
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December 17, 2022
On Saturday December 17, 2022 at approximately 12:22pm, the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department was dispatched to the Village Square Shopping Center for a reported vehicle accident; dispatchers advised a pedestrian was run over by a vehicle. Fire Chief Steve Grunewald was on scene and confirmed one pedestrian was trapped under the vehicle and requested a medical helicopter (MSP Trooper 4) respond. With combined efforts from personnel from the OPVFD and Showell Volunteer Fire Department, crews were able to employ their training and experience to lift the vehicle off the patient utilizing High Pressure Air Lifting bags.
Once the patient was freed, paramedics from both departments quickly worked to assess the patient's injuries and prepared them for transport via Trooper 4 to Shock Trauma. We would like to thank the bystanders who rushed to the aid of the injured pedestrian while the fire departments responded.
While emergencies like this are not an everyday occurrence, it does provide justification to the endless hours our volunteer and career firefighters invest into training. Over the last two months (and every year), the OPVFD and SVFD have participated in joint vehicle extrication training where we have practiced this exact scenario utilizing High Pressure Air Lifting bags. Our Line Officers stay attuned with emergency situations from around the country and implement training to replicate these incidents.
Attached are photos taken from recent trainings and are NOT today's incident.
Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department
South Station
911 Ocean Parkway
Ocean Pines, MD 21811
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