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Tree into a House

October 30, 2023

On Saturday October 28th, at approximately 11:38pm, the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department was requested to respond to a public service call. Worcester Central advised that a large tree had fallen on a house...

“Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire prevention.”

October 08, 2023

The Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department is teaming up with the National Fire Protection Association® (NFPA®) — the official sponsor of Fire Prevention WeekTM (FPW) for more than 100 years — to promote this year’s FPW campaign, “Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire preventionTM.

Motor Vehicle Accident

September 29, 2023

On Friday September 29th, at approximately 12:51pm, the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department was requested to respond to a motor vehicle accident on Racetrack Road, near Adkins Road. Worcester Central advised that a vehicle was seen flying through the air...

Big Truck Day

September 16, 2023

On Saturday September 16th, the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department participated in the Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Big Truck Day held at the Worcester County Veterans Memorial.

Motorcycle Accident

September 16, 2023

On Saturday September 16th, at approximately 10:15pm, the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department was requested to respond to a motorcycle accident on Racetrack Road in the area of Cathage Road...

Three Vehicle Accident

September 13, 2023

On Wednesday September 13th, at approximately 5:30pm, the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department was requested to respond to a three vehicle accident on Racetrack Road...

Remembrance Beams of Light

September 12, 2023

The Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department was invited to assist the Ocean City Fire Department with their annual Remembrance Beams of Light memorial service...

School Bus Safety

September 02, 2023

School is ALMOST back in session and it is important that all drivers remember what to do when they encounter a stopped school bus.

Commercial Structure Fire & Hazmat Incident

August 22, 2023

Tuesday August 22, 2023 proved to be a very busy day for the volunteer and career members of the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department. At approximately 11:22am, the department was requested to assist the Berlin Fire Company with a commercial structure fire...

Extreme Heat Forecasted

July 26, 2023

An extended period of hot and humid weather is expected Thur-Sat with heat indices of 100-110 degrees each day. Additionally, a few strong to severe storms are possible Thursday. Remember to stay cool and limit unnecessary strenuous activities outside.

Watercraft in Distress

June 26, 2023

On June 25th, 2023 at approximately 6:14pm, the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department was alerted for a watercraft in distress in the area of the fuel dock at the Yacht Club...

Head-on Collision

June 22, 2023

At approximately 7:28am on Thursday, June 22 2023, the Ocean Pines Vol. Fire Department was alerted to respond to a motor vehicle collision on Racetrack Road in the intersection of Manklin Creek Road and Racetrack Road; Worcester Central advised of a two vehicle, head-on accident...

Bicycle Accident

May 28, 2023

At approximately 9:27pm on Saturday, May 27, 2023, the Ocean Pines Vol. Fire Department was alerted to respond to a bicycle accident in the area of 499 Ocean Parkway and the Ocean Expressway underpass; Worcester Central advised of a single rider down in the roadway...

Joint Training Exercise

May 25, 2023

On Tuesday May 23, 2023, the Showell and Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Departments conducted a joint training burn at an acquired structure in Showell, MD. While interior fire attacks...

Fatal Motor Vehicle Accident

May 01, 2023

On Monday May 1, 2023 at approximately 9:23am the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department was alerted for a motor vehicle accident, vehicle vs pedestrian in the area of 1114 Ocean Parkway in South Ocean Pines...
Displaying 46-60 of 250 News Articles

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